Overstocked and Underwhelmed by Demand
Off-premise sales keep dropping but this appears to be driven in part by a painful and longer than expected return to “normal” that could moderate as this year comes to an end. NIQ scan data from the major chain retailers indicates that the value of domestic table wine sales fell 4% in the 52 weeks […]
Wine Shops Adapt to Engage
“It’s been a wave of unpredictability this year,” says Backroom Wines Vice President Prashant Patel. The Napa, Calif., wine shop opened in 2002 just off Main Street in downtown and, until recently, has always had a good mix of tourist and local foot traffic to drive sales. Now, Patel said, traffic on weekdays is slow […]
Producers Score with Store Brands
Private label wines have been gaining steam for the last 25 years, but Anthony Aloia, corporate vice president for the Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA), says the current market is “ripe” for private label wine to thrive. “We think wine is the next frontier.” While it seems retail shelf placements have only become harder for […]
Industry Metrics: DtC Value Steady
Domestic Wine Sales Value 12 months ended September 2024 +4% U.S. wine sales including bulk imports, bw166 Other Industry Metrics for September 2024 (versus September 2023) data: -4% off-premise sales value, NIQ channels -3% on-premise sales (52 weeks ended July 13), CGA by NIQ -0.4% DtC shipment value, WineBusiness Analytics/Sovos ShipCompliant -23% Winery Job Index, […]
Upcoming Events
Winejobs.com Summit: Nov. 12 Winejobs.com Summit is a one-of-a-kind gathering for HR managers to connect with their peers to discuss current HR topics and learn from industry experts at The CIA at Copia. Seating is limited and registration is by invitation only. na.eventscloud.com/website/5523/ Wine Industry Financial Symposium: Nov. 12-13 The Wine Industry Financial Symposium at The […]